[CM] Re: grace

Joshua Parmenter joshp@u.washington.edu
Mon, 16 Jul 2007 11:55:19 -0700

So... I had to hand make and copy grace.asd to Grace.app/Contents/ 

I had to make the Resources and grace directories.

Then, when I tried start lisp:

Launching /usr/local/bin/sbcl --eval '(load "/Users/joshp/src/grace/ 
build/Grace.app/Contents/Resources/grace/grace.asd")' --eval  
'(asdf:oos (quote asdf:load-op) "grace")' --eval '(grace:start-server  
8000 "/Users/joshp/Library/Caches/Grace/temp0grace")'
Polling socket server..................... =:(
Connection failed.

The LISP config wouldn't let me point to the source outside the  



On Jul 16, 2007, at 11:32 AM, Rick Taube wrote:

> if nothing works, try this handmade Makefile and tell me if that  
> works. i cobbled it up after a fit of depression caused by reading  
> the automake manual
> make -f Makefile.osx  JUCEDIR=/path/to/juce
> make -f Makefile.osc install
> <Makefile.osx>

Joshua Parmenter
University of Washington
Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media
School of Music
Seattle, Washington 98195
