[CM] normalize-sound is an unbound variable

e deleflie edeleflie at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 07:52:53 PDT 2007

found it in extensions.scm

so there's 2 (potential) documentation bugs (unless I am
misreading)... the doc for normalize-sound says that the code is in
frame.scm ... and the top of that same doco page says that all these
functions are in dsp.scm


On 7/6/07, e deleflie <edeleflie at gmail.com> wrote:
> > If you need to specify position and duration, you can use
> > "scale-selection-to". If not, "scale-to" should be enough.
> there is a slight complication which is that I am dealing with a 4
> channel file ... and all channels have to be scaled by an equal amount
> ...
> to use scale-to I would have to first establish which channel has the
> highest amplitude, then go through the other channels and find their
> highest amplitude... divide them to find out what the equivalent
> scale-to should be for each independent channel and then apply the
> scale-to 4 times with 4 different values each time.
> normalize-sound, which advertises that it functions on a sound rather
> than a channel, would do all that for me (theoretically)...
> ... unless there is a scale-to version that can work on a sound
> instead of a channel?
> Etienne

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