[CM] (keynum :through) and (note :through) bug?

Joshua Parmenter joshp at u.washington.edu
Mon Apr 16 19:20:30 PDT 2007

This has been awhile, but I thought I would check and see if any  
decision about this had been made or anything committed to CVS.

Thanks Rick,


On Mar 29, 2007, at 7:07 AM, Rick Taube wrote:

> yes you are correct as i look at the docs they imply the behavior  
> you expected! so im not sure which is the bug: the doc or the code.  
> arrgh!
> On Mar 29, 2007, at 8:44 AM, Joshua Parmenter wrote:
>> Hi Rick,
>> Thanks for looking at it. :nearest would be nice, and as far as  
>> equidistant decisions, I imagine a short warning in the doc would  
>> be fine. I usually use the function with floats anyways, so I  
>> don't imagine that happening very often. It would probably also be  
>> good to change the docs on note and keynum, since 'closest' is  
>> used quite a bit. This implied to me a round somewhere in the  
>> function rather then floor...
>> Thanks again for looking at it. And if you decide to add it to  
>> CVS, please let me know.
>> Best,
>> Josh
>> On Mar 29, 2007, at 6:37 AM, Rick Taube wrote:
>>> joshua -- apologies for the delay in this reply but i havent had  
>>> much time to stare at code lately. the behavior you encountered  
>>> isnt a bug but it also isnt much of a feature, its due to a  
>>> 'floor' like search of the mode's legal steps. i could change  
>>> that behavior but that would break existing behavior.
>>> perhaps i could add a :nearest keyword that would look for the  
>>> nearest (rather than the lower) step (?) so you would write:
>>> (note 67 :nearest mymod)
>>> of course if its equidistant to a step above AND below then it  
>>> still might not return the one you want, so ill have to think  
>>> about how best to do this.
>>> On Mar 23, 2007, at 5:29 PM, Joshua Parmenter wrote:
>>>> Hi all...
>>>> This doesn't seem like the expected behavior. Is this right? And  
>>>> if it is, does anyone know a way to get the values I'm expecting?
>>>> (defvar mymode)
>>>> (setq mymode (new mode :degrees '(c df ef f gs a b c)))
>>>> (note 67 :through mymode); => F ??? shouldn't it be GS?
>>>> (note 67.5 :through mymode) ;=> AF ???
>>>> (keynum 67 :through mymode); => 65 ??? shouldn't it be 68?
>>>> (keynum 67.4 :through mymode) ;=> 65 !!!
>>>> (keynum 67.5 :through mymode) ;=> 68 !!!
>>>> Thanks for any help.
>>>> Josh
>>>> ******************************************
>>>> Joshua Parmenter
>>>> University of Washington
>>>> Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media
>>>> School of Music
>>>> Seattle, Washington 98195
>>>> http://www.realizedsound.net/josh/
>>>> http://www.dxarts.washington.edu
>> ******************************************
>> Joshua Parmenter
>> University of Washington
>> Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media
>> School of Music
>> Seattle, Washington 98195
>> http://www.realizedsound.net/josh/
>> http://www.dxarts.washington.edu
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Joshua Parmenter
University of Washington
Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media
School of Music
Seattle, Washington 98195


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