[CM] CMN - weird accent placement
Bill Sack
bsack23 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 14 20:41:13 PDT 2007
i'll try to get through the list over the next few days - i'll go through
the Gardner Read book and see what he has to say ...
thanks for the fix.
On 4/14/07, andersvi at extern.uio.no <andersvi at extern.uio.no> wrote:
> >>>>> "B" == Bill Sack <bsack23 at gmail.com> writes:
> B> CMN seems to be putting accents above the staff no matter
> B> what. I tried the test case in cmn1.lisp and there seem to be
> B> similar problems with little-swell, down-bow, up-bow and some
> B> others. Shouldn't the default, for accent at least, be
> B> opposite the stem direction? i don't recall this being a
> B> problem before - i wonder if it's recently broken ...
> B> bill sack
> Dont know when this crept in, but at least accents should be placed
> opposite stems. The fix is easy, put a test on
> '(direction-from-note mark note)'
> to check for direction. ie:
> (defun display-accent (mark note score &optional justifying)
> (declare (ignore justifying))
> (let ((dir (direction-from-note mark note)))
> (show score mark
> :matrix (translate-matrix
> score mark
> (+ (box-x0 note) (vis-dx mark) (center note) -.2 (x0
> mark))
> (+ (box-y0 mark) (vis-dy mark)
> (if (eq dir :down)
> (+ (staff-y0 note) (min (* (- (head-line note)
> 4) *staff-line-separation*) -.5))
> (max (+ (or (stem-end note) 0) .125)
> (+ (staff-y0 note)
> (* (max 10 (+ 3 (head-line note)))
> *staff-line-separation*)))))))))
> But some marks are placed above staff by default. If someone could
> compile or link to a list of default-placement for the marks (and
> ideally all marks in accent.lisp as well):
> staccato
> accent
> little-swell
> edge
> tenuto
> marcato
> down-bow
> up-bow
> detache
> martele
> thumb
> natural-harmonic
> bartok-pizzicato
> stopped-note
> open-note
> left-hand-pizzicato
> and fill in default direction (ie: opposite-stem/up/down) for the
> various marks, it would be a rather small job going through the
> various #'display-some-mark programs which needs fixing (i think...)
> Anyone?
> -anders
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