[CM] CM tutorial example raises out-of-range error on guile/Snd

Carlos Pita carlosjosepita at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Sep 7 04:33:24 PDT 2006


I'm just trying to run the examples from the
intro.lisp CM tutorial in guile/Snd and I get the
following error:

(new seq :name 'pulse
     (loop with d = .1 
           for i below 80
           collect (new midi :time (* i d)
         :keynum (pickl '(c4 d4 ef4 f4 g4 af4 bf4 c5))
         :duration d
         :amplitude (interp (mod i 8) 0 .25 7 .75))))

==>#<seq "pulse">

(list-objects #&pulse :end 3)

substring: out-of-range: Argument 3 out of range: 2
#f: line #f
; (list-objects #&pulse :end 3)

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