[CM] clm not working (with cmucl and jack)

Lieven Moors lievenmoors at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 19 02:48:46 PDT 2006

>From: "Kjetil S. Matheussen" <k.s.matheussen at notam02.no>
>To: cmdist at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
>CC: lievenmoors at hotmail.com
>Subject: Re: [CM] clm not working (with cmucl and jack)
>Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 14:56:52 +0200 (CEST)
>"Lieven Moors":
>>hi, i'm still having trouble with clm. when i try to make a sound, i just
>>get xruns in the jack-server, and lisp is killed without any errors. in 
>>i can see lisp eat about 80% of memory before it gets killed.
>>actually at one time the violin did play without problems, for 60 seconds.
>>but i'm not able to reproduce this.
>>this is what happenes:
>>(load "/usr/src/clm/clm-3/v.cmucl")
>>(with-sound () (fm-violin 0 60 440 .1))
>>here is the output from jack:
>>new client: sndlib0, id = 3 type 2 @ 0xb5cc6000 fd = 19
>>registered port sndlib0:out_1, offset = 3072
>>12:46:33.025 Audio connection graph change.
>>registered port sndlib0:out_2, offset = 4096
>>registered port sndlib0:in_1, offset = 0
>>registered port sndlib0:in_2, offset = 0
>>registered port sndlib0:in_3, offset = 0
>>registered port sndlib0:in_4, offset = 0
>>**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 1441.404 msecs
>>**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 209.315 msecs
>>removing disconnected client sndlib0 state = Not triggered errors = 0
>>removing client "sndlib0"
>>removing client "sndlib0" from the processing chain
>>after that lisp just gets disconnected
>>would be very grateful for your help
>Sounds like you are running out of memory. Try to use the "No Memory Lock" 
>switch for jack, and less used memory in the lisp process should get 
>swapped out.

thanks a lot for your help!
that switch did the trick, no i can make a start with clm...



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