[CM] Real-time CLM

Ken renueden at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 15 11:32:49 PDT 2006

Also look into Csound5.  Someone has been working on a CFFI backend to 
the API.  If you have good lisp skills, it would be great if you could 
get that going, as the Csound package has a ton of great features, and 
you'd still be in lisp.

David O'Toole wrote:
> I've been sniffing around Google and it seems like building this on
> top of Snd would be best. I am quite married to lisp, it's my favorite
> language :-). 
> I see that Snd allows interaction on stdin/stdout. This means I should
> be able to write a CL program that starts Snd in the background, using
> Snd as a sort of audio server, then send s-expressions to Snd.
> I will keep you posted on what I come up with. 
> "Bill Schottstaedt" <bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> writes:
>>> How do I write a synthesis program that talks to CLM in realtime? 
>> Check out Snd.  Perhaps you could build on the work Kjetil has
>> done (http://www.notam02.no/~kjetism/sandysth/ etc)?
>> As far as I know, defpinstrument was never actually used for real-time
>> work; CL is (or was) problematic in that regard.  I think there has been
>> recent progress on that front -- perhaps Rick and
>> friends have overcome all the problems.  
>> Perry Cook and Gary Scavone's Stk is aimed at real-time synthesis --
>> you might check it out -- are you married to lisp?

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