[CM] C compiler error when compiling CLM instruments

David O'Toole dto at gnu.org
Sun Oct 15 07:14:20 PDT 2006

I was wrong---compiling first fails, just on grapheq.ins. The error
message is below. 

I can always just leave out this instrument, but I would like to make
sure they all work. 

* (compile-file "/usr/share/common-lisp/source/clm/grapheq.ins")
; Writing "/usr/share/common-lisp/source/clm/clm_GRAPHEQ.c"
; Compiling "/usr/share/common-lisp/source/clm/clm_GRAPHEQ.c"
/usr/share/common-lisp/source/clm/clm_GRAPHEQ.c: In function ‘clm_grapheq1129’:
/usr/share/common-lisp/source/clm/clm_GRAPHEQ.c:161: error: invalid lvalue in assignment
; Creating shared object file "/usr/share/common-lisp/source/clm/clm_GRAPHEQ.so"
ld: /usr/share/common-lisp/source/clm/clm_GRAPHEQ.o: No such file: No such file or directory

"Bill Schottstaedt" <bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> writes:

>> The instruments in /usr/share/common-lisp/source/clm have not been 
>> compiled. Should I write a program to do this myself (not terribly 
>> difficult) or is there a "correct" way to make this happen? 
> Normally, I think, people only compile the instruments that interest
> them.  clm-test.lisp compiles and runs all of them.
>> Also, I have to specify the full path to 
>> /usr/share/common-lisp/source/clm when loading an instrument that has 
>> been compiled. Is there any way to get it to try loading from there 
>> automatically, something analogous to emacs' "load-path"? 
> perhaps *default-pathname-defaults*.
>>     (if (string= "ins" (pathname-type file)) 
>>      (load file))))) 
> this may work sometimes in sbcl, but it's much safer to compile the instrument
> file first (use compile-file as in compile-and-load in all.lisp) -- see below.
>>  setf: unknown accessor: MOOG-Q in (MOOG-Q F) 
> I think this is happening in filter-noise.ins which expects moog.lisp
> to be already compiled and loaded.  Ideally it would handle that requirement
> in some debonair manner.
>> /usr/share/common-lisp/source/clm/clm_GRAPHEQ.c:161: error: invalid lvalue in 
> assignment 
> This is a case where you have to compile the instrument file first --
> just (load "grapheq.ins") doesn't work.

David O'Toole 
dto at gnu.org

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