[CM] compile-problem:clm-3
Lieven Moors
lievenmoors at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 13 08:21:19 PDT 2006
hi everyone,
i'm trying to compile clm-3, but i ran into the following error:
(clm-bin-directory is set to "/opt/clm-3/bin")
after (load "all.lisp"):
; Loading #P"/usr/src/clm/clm-3/all.lisp".
; running cd && ./configure --quiet --with-doubles --with-float-samples
; Compiling "io.c"
; Compiling "headers.c"
; Compiling "audio.c"
; Compiling "sound.c"
; Compiling "clm.c"
; Compiling "cmus.c"
; Creating "/opt/clm-3/bin/libclm.so"
;;ld -shared -fPIC -o /opt/clm-3/bin/libclm.so /opt/clm-3/bin/headers.o
/opt/clm-3/bin/audio.o /opt/clm-3/bin/io.o /opt/clm-3/bin/sound.o
/opt/clm-3/bin/clm.o /opt/clm-3/bin/cmus.o /opt/clm-3/bin/sc.o -ljack
-lsamplerate -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
;; Loading #P"/opt/clm-3/bin/clm-package.x86f".
;; Loading #P"/opt/clm-3/bin/initmus.x86f".
;;; Running /usr/bin/ld...
here is the error in slime:
File-error in function LOAD-FOREIGN:
File does not exist: /opt/clm-3/bin/libclm.so.
[Condition of type KERNEL:SIMPLE-FILE-ERROR]
0: [CONTINUE] Return NIL from load of "all.lisp".
1: [ABORT-REQUEST] Abort handling SLIME request.
2: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level.
0: (LOAD-FOREIGN "/opt/clm-3/bin/libclm.so" :LIBRARIES ("-lc") :BASE-FILE
1: (LISP::SLOLOAD #<Stream for file "/usr/src/clm/clm-3/all.lisp">)
2: (LISP::INTERNAL-LOAD #P"/usr/src/clm/clm-3/all.lisp"
#P"/usr/src/clm/clm-3/all.lisp" :ERROR :SOURCE)
3: (LISP::INTERNAL-LOAD #P"/usr/src/clm/clm-3/all.lisp"
#P"/usr/src/clm/clm-3/all.lisp" :ERROR NIL)
4: (LOAD "all.lisp" :VERBOSE NIL :PRINT ...)
5: (SWANK::EVAL-REGION "(load \"all.lisp\")
" T)
thanks for your help, i'm very curious about CLM...
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