[CM] CLM and file sizes?

Joseph Anderson j.anderson at hull.ac.uk
Fri Nov 10 09:16:33 PST 2006

Hi All, 

As a newbie here (working on OSX, with CM.app), I'm experiencing a strange
problem with writing out a large file.

I have a bit of code that does a sample rate convert of a file from 44.1 to
88.2kHz. My simple code works for most cases. However, it does fail with one
large file (1.03GB).

I think the problem might have to do with the resulting output file size.
CLM seems to click along quite happily for most of the time. I can check the
output file size with finder, and it grows as expected. But, when the file
size gets to 2GB, that's where things seem to go wrong. The next thing I
then see is a file size of 4KB! Snd can't open this resulting file.

So, now I'm wondering if there is some output file size 'speed limit' that
I've exceeded, and if there is a simple way to increase it? I haven't yet
tried any simple tests to see if I can get CLM to do something slightly
simpler (and less time consuming) to hit the 2GB limit that seems to be

Any thought?

Thanks in advance for the help.


Joseph Anderson (Dr)
Lecturer, Creative Music Technology

University of Hull, Scarborough Campus,
Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO11 3AZ, UK

T: +44.(0)1723.357341 T: +44.(0)1723.357370 F: +44.(0)1723.350815

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