[CM] Not Connected (snd-ls-
Esben Stien
b0ef at esben-stien.name
Fri May 19 14:11:45 PDT 2006
"Kjetil S. Matheussen" <kjetil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> writes:
> SND, at least for snd-ls, runs the scheme interpreter "guile"
> internally.
This is what I'm aiming to do, but I can't figure out what you've done
in snd-ls that I have to do with snd. I believe snd-ls is a
distribution of snd where you don't have guile installed. I have guile
installed, so I guess I just need to run snd. Please correct me if I'm
What I do now, is starting emacs and then running M-x run-snd-guile;
this opens the interpreter buffer and I'm able to evaluate code by
yanking blocks into it. Of course, I'm after just evaluating the block
of code in a normal buffer with C-M-x, so that I don't need to kill
and yank the block into the interpreter every time;).
It's also unclear to me how to evaluate the lisp code for CLM. All I'm
able to do is evaluate scheme code, of course, with guile. I guess I
will use slime, which I have, but I can't figure out how to actually
evaluate this code and have it sent to snd.
Sorry if I'm a little confused and thank you for your help;).
Esben Stien is b0ef at e s a
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