[CM] [OT] Summer courses in computer music at DXARTS, University of Washington, Seattle

Joshua Parmenter joshp at u.washington.edu
Wed Mar 29 13:16:02 PST 2006

Hi everyone, below is some course descriptions for classes being  
offered this summer through the Center for Digital Arts and  
Experimental Media at the University of Washington. Feel free to  
contact me with any questions.

Josh Parmenter
joshp at u.washington.edu

Summer courses in computer music in Seattle, Washington. Summer 2006.

The Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media at the University  
of Washington in Seattle announces two courses in Computer Music for  
Summer 2006. Courses are managed through the University of  
Washington's Summer Programs (see http://www.summer.washington.edu/ 
summer/home.asp or more information) and award 5 quarter units each.  
Course enrollment is limited to 20 students. Each course is taught  
over a four-week intensive term.

DXARTS 598 Summer Term A- Algorithmic sound composition. 5 credits.

Algorithmic Sound Composition will teach students how to use of the  
program Common Music and the language LISP for algorithmic music  
composition.  Course topics will range from an introduction to the  
programming language, note by note control of programs, control of  
large scale processes, and the usage of the language for instrumental  
and computer music composition. No previous programming experience is  
required, though previous experience with a synthesis programming  
language such as Csound, Common Lisp Music (CLM) or Super Collider is  

DXARTS 598 Summer Term B- Interactive Computer Music with the Super  
Collider Programming Language. 5 credits

Presents a four week intensive course on the Super Collider synthesis  
programming language. Course material will range from an introduction  
to the language and basic concepts through advanced topics such the  
creation of real-time control structures for music, sound art and  
interactive installations, graphic user interface (GUI) creation and  
the extension of the program through the construction of classes and  
Unit Generators.

For more information, contact Joshua Parmenter at joshp at u.washington.edu

Joshua Parmenter
joshp at u.washington.edu
Post-Doctoral Research Associate - Center for Digital Arts and  
Experimental Media
Raitt Hall - University of Washington
Seattle, Washington 98195


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