[CM] Problem while recording from midi keyboard

Thanassis Zervopoulos azervopoulos at gmail.com
Fri Mar 24 05:33:12 PST 2006

problems appear when
I play a looping chord with the left hand like 'la do mi.....la do
mi......etc' and with the right hand I hold a note
It seems that midi-message receive a midi-note-on from right hand and
doesn't let left hand to pass midi massages to midi event.....any

I'm sorry for sending the same e-mail, but there was no response on the
previous one and I don't know if this recording-problem is general problem
happens only to me...

Also I've tried your example below,but it gives an error message:
I only have common music dictionary, so I couldn't find
the function midi-message->midi-event....where can I find a complete
tutorial for cm

Thanx in advance and I appreciate your help very much

             Error in function "DEFMETHOD SLOT-MISSING (T T T T)":
              When attempting to read the slot's value (slot-value), the
slot KEYNUM is
               missing from the object #i(midi-note-off time 2819657 channel
0 keynum 43
                 velocity 127).
                 [Condition of type SWANK::SLIME-PROTOCOL-ERROR]

             0: [ABORT] Return to sldb level 1.
             1: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level.

           Error in function "DEFMETHOD SLOT-MISSING (T T T T)":  When
attempting to read the slot's value (slot-value),   the slot KEYNUM is
missing from the object #i(midi-note-on time 4286968 channel 0 keynum 52
velocity 76).
           Error flushed ...
          Error in function "DEFMETHOD SLOT-MISSING (T T T T)":  When
attempting to read the slot's value (slot-value),   the slot KEYNUM is
missing from the object #i(midi-note-on time 4286976 channel 0 keynum 50
velocity 127).
           Error flushed ...
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