[CM] [OT] Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media Concert, April 12th, Seattle, WA
Joshua Parmenter
joshp at u.washington.edu
Thu Mar 23 14:34:57 PST 2006
For immediate release:
The Center for Digital Arts ad Experimental Media at the University
of Washington presents an evening of experimental video and music at
Meany Hall on April 12th, 2006 at 7:30 pm.
The works on the concert are the result the Center for Digital Arts
and Experimental Media's first international call for works. The call
received more than100 works from the North America, Europe, Asia and
Australia. Selected for the program are:
Cross Contours – Dennis Miller
aufschlag (service) - Ralf Hoyer
Graveshift - Per Bloland
Sleepdriver - Martin Stig Andersen
Flow - Mike Vernusky
Burning Thoughts - Pei-Yu Shi and Nina Vogel
Stadtmusik - Dietmar Offenhuber, Sam Auinger and Hannes Strobl
SYZYGY – William “Pete” Moss
and a new work by Noel Paul
For more information, contact Joshua Parmenter at
joshp at u.washington.edu.
Cross Contours (2005) explores a variety of nearly identifiable icons
and images and develops numerous associations among them. Though
never crossing the line into the purely representational, it attempts
to stimulate references and mappings in the viewer. The work is
(loosely) in three sections, with each retaining the same color space
despite the appearance of new or transformed objects and forms. The
music adds an affective layer and helps control the work's dramatic
All images in Cross Contours were created using the Cinema 4D
animation software, while the musical elements were created with the
Kyma System from Symbolic Sound and the Tassman physical modeling
Dennis Miller is on the Music faculty of Northeastern University in
Boston where he heads the Music Technology program and serves on the
Multimedia Studies Steering Committee. His mixed media works have
been presented at numerous venues throughout the world, most recently
the DeCordova Museum, the New York Digital Salon Traveling Exhibit,
the 2005 Art in Motion screenings, Images du Nouveau Monde,
CynetArts, Sonic Circuits, the Cuban International Festival of Music,
and the 2004 New England Film and Video Festival. His work was also
presented at the gala opening of the new Disney Hall in Los Angeles
(2003) and at SIGGRAPH 2001 in the Emerging Technologies gallery.
Recent exhibits of his 3D still images include the Boston Computer
Museum and the Biannual Conference on Art and Technology, as well as
publication in Sonic Graphics: Seeing Sound (Rizzoli Books) and Art
in the Digital Age (Thames and Hudson). A DVD containing seven of
Miller's recent animations is available from his web site,
aufschlag (service) - three channel noise and video composition / 2002
Every noise is made by a move.
Musical instruments, developed from the early beginning of human race
for making very special noises, require very special motions for
getting the desired results. The training of these motions has quite
a sporting aspect.
Doing sports has an other purpose. The noises which come into being
inevitable may be unimportant for the athlete - but from a musical
point of view they are very interesting: there are formal
periodicities, fine pitch nuances, rhythmical patterns...
Noises of playing table tennis, gotten from the audio track of some
table tennis videos, constitute the basis of this noise and video
Besides, a classical grand piano is involved also.
(The video material is used by courtesy of the German Table Tennis
Ralf Hoyer born 1950 in Berlin, studied sound-engineering at the
Higer School of Music „Hanns Eisler“ Berlin and has been working as
sound-engineer and recording director for several years. He completed
his studies in composition1977-80 in the masterclass of the Academy
of Arts with Ruth Zechlin and Georg Katzer. Compositions for chamber
music, choir, orchestra, chamber opera and electronic music.
Development and realization of music-theatralic performances, multi-
media-projects and sound-installations, frequently together with
Susanne Stelzenbach. Composition awards 1983 and 1985, scholarships
in 1990, 1992 and 2002. Commissions from international festivals,
theatres and broadcasting companies, performances in several european
Burning Thoughts for video and 4 channel tape
Burning Thoughts presents itself as a union of time and location. The
seemingly clear reality of the images shifts increasingly into a
network of subjective relations with the person, location and music,
whose perception is constantly formulated anew.
Pei-Yu Shi (1973*) was born in Taipei. She studied Chinese music from
1988 to 1995, Composition from 1995 to 1998 in Taipei (Taiwan). She
stuedied composition from 1999-2004 unter Wolfgang Rihm, Sandeep
Bhagwati and Thomas A. Troge at the Music University of Karlsruhe.
1995-1997 she accepted the scholarship of the Ministry of Education
in Taiwan. 1996, 1998, 2004 she won the “Literature and Art Award of
the Ministry of Education” composition competition in Taiwan.
2001-2002 she accepted the scholarship of the Landes Baden-
Württemberg. 2002 the German broadcasting station ”Sued-West
Rundfunk” made a “Composer’s Portrait” for her and had been shown on
TV. 2005 she accept the scholarship of the Heinrich-Strobel-Stiftung
des Suedwestrundfunks E.V. and won the 3rd percussion music composing
competition in Taiwan and won the 1 preis of 15 rd ISA International
Summer Akademy, Austria. 2004-2006 she invite to be guest artist and
accept the scholarship of ZKM, Karlsruhe.
Are Ua sleepdriver by any chance???
Composed at City University Electroacoustic Music Studios, London,
and the composer’s personal studio in Denmark 2004. Commissioned by
the Foundation Ton Bruynél, the Netherlands.
Martin Stig Andersen (Denmark, 1973) graduated from The Royal Academy
of Music in Aarhus, Denmark in 2003. He is currently a PhD student in
electroacoustic composition at City University, London, studying with
Denis Smalley. Martin Stig Andersen has received commissions from
various ensembles and organizations and his music has been performed
in numerous international festivals including The San Francisco Tape
Music Festival, Sonorities, ICMC, SAN EXPO, Santa Fe Electro Acoustic
Music Festival, NWEAMO, The International Gaudeamus Music Week. He
has obtained distinctions in the ElektraMusic Award - listener’s
prize (France), Prix Ton Bruynèl (the Netherlands), the "Luigi
Russolo" Competition (Italy), the Bourges competition (France), and
the Danish Arts Foundation´s Competition. Martin Stig Andersen’s
research is funded by the Danish Research Agency, the Royal Danish
Academy of Music, and the Danish Ministry of Culture. In 2005 he
received a 3-year working scholarship from the Danish Arts Foundation.
Graveshift - Through a rain-streaked café window, surveillance of a
street scene is digitally transformed into a fluid chaos comprised of
paranoia, ghostly figures, and alterations of reality. Echoes of a
forgotten song float above the milieu, now gaining and now loosing
coherence. It is an image plagued by distortion, but this distortion
emerges from quietness, and recedes once again into the same.
Graveshift was conceived as a cross-discipline collaboration
including video, music, and dance.
Per Bloland is active as a composer of both acoustic and
electroacoustic music. Recent awards include first prize in the
SEAMUS/ASCAP Student Commission Competition, and grand prize in the
Digital Art Awards, Tokyo, Japan. His music has been performed in
numerous countries, and can be heard on the TauKay (Italy), Capstone,
and SEAMUS labels. He received a Masters degree from the University
of Texas at Austin, and is currently working toward his Doctoral
degree at Stanford University.
FLOW is one half of a four-part sequence on the theme of water. The
following is a note from the video artist: “Meditating upon the
seasonal flow of water, our earth's lifeblood: a visceral response to
the rush of springtime, when all of the world reawakens and blooms
and vibrates with sexual energy; and of summertime, when the
environment slowly settles into a rhythm of growth and maturity.” The
music was constructed predominantly from tam-tam cymbals and
classical guitar. These sounds were manipulated using granular
processing to evoke a constantly evolving, yet fixed texture. The
video was
made with 16mm and 35mm painted filmstrips that were digitally
manipulated. Live footage is also presented as a contrast to these
Mike Vernusky holds degrees from the University of Texas at Austin
and Mercyhurst College. He is currently serving as Director of
Digital Arts for the Audio Inversions New Music Group, and recently
released a full length cd of his electronic and acoustic works. He
was also the Grand Prize winner of the 2004 Digital Arts Awards in
Tokyo, Japan. More information/music can be found at www.alasseis.com
Stadtmusik/Citymusic - Dietmar Offenhuber - Hannes Strobl & Sam Auinger
Architecture forms all sounds we hear. Urban architecture is a sound
box, it shapes a space, wherein the range of sounds which surround us
is resounded and reflected. In the video "Stadtmusik", the Linz-based
media artist Dietmar Offenhuber and the Berlin formation TamTam (Sam
Auinger / Hannes Strobl) deal with sound in cities, by analysing
sound structures which are triggered by urban buildings and
facilities. They focus on the aspect of movement in the city, which
reinforces a dynamic experience of the urban soundscape: particular
sounds emerge through movement, sound and its timbre evolves from
material and space.
The film- and media theorist Vrääth Öhner focuses on the relation of
movement and perception. Dietmar Offenhuber analyses this relation by
using urban contexts as example: "Perceiving perception: Through
media, this is simultaneously possible and impossible. The important
thing about moving images is what is moving rather than what is
causing the movement. But the fact sometimes tends to be forgotten
that the animated image could not exist without the viewer's
illusionary assumption that he or she is not seeing individual frames
but continuous motion. As a result, it should not surprise when film
or videographic experiments are at their core reflections on forms of
perception conveyed through various media, their purpose to make
accessible the circumstances under which sensuous experience takes
place, which are dictated by the media.
This all applies to the videos of Dietmar Offenhuber, though the
problem is made more complex by the reference to perception which
itself requires the use of technical apparatus. It«s subject is not
"natural" perception, but perception put in motion and therefore
implicitly the history of an epochal transformation of the way in
which time and space is experienced. It has come to a preliminary end
in suitable contexts where moving perception now seems to be regarded
as integral to natural perception. The thesis presented in this
regard would therefore be that the specifically aesthetic quality of
such animated perception is absent from the forms of audiovisual
representation which are already considered natural (such as
indicating movement by means of a tracking shot): In its
fragmentation of the continuum of perception, the "subjective
geometry which defines space through intervals of time" (Dietmar
Offenhuber) illustrates a manner of experience which could remain
submerged because it is already so familiar."
Hannes Strobl
born 1966, lives in berlin
bassplayer and composer
developed a new musical language on the bass.
numerous concerts all around europe and the usa.
works for radio, dance, theater, film and soundinstallation
collaborations with sam auinger (tamtam), hanno leichtmann (paloma) ,
didmar offenhuber,richard dorfmeister,isabella bordoni, hans
platzgummer, toshi nakamura,
rupert huber, bruce odland,chris kondek ,saynko namtchylak and others
Sam Auinger, composer, performer,sound artist was born in Linz,
Austria in 1956.
Linz Bruckner - Konservatorium, Jazz Division.
Mozarteum-Salzburg, Komposition und Computer Musik.
Since the early 80´s Auinger has been a leading innovator in the
fields of composition, computermusic, sounddedsign and
psychoacoustics. His abilities in the dual role of conceptualist and
composer have allowed him to make important contributions in film,
theater, radio, video, exhibitions, internet performance, art and
music festivals across Europe and USA and as a musical producer for
the noted Austrian band, “Attwenger”.
Artistic Collaborations: Future Lab, Dietmar Offenhuber, Chris
Kondek, Attwenger, Laurie Anderson, Ben Neil, Maggie Donlon, Naut
Humon, Rachel de Boer, Markus Binder, Paul Miller, Hanno Leichtmann,
Richard Dorfmeister, Michael Nyman, Robert Adrian X, Wolfgang
Mitterer, Florian Flicker, Scanner, Tatashi Endo ,Thomas Krupa.
1982-1989: Together with Werner Pfeffer he founded SWAP, a concetpual
and performing duo who’s, Musik in 1000 Information was premiered at
the 1986 Ars Electronica.
In 1989 he began an ongoing collaboration with Bruce Odland (O+A).
Together they have realized many large scale sound pieces in Europe
and US: “Garden of Time-Dreaming” turned the gardens of the Castle
of Linz into a large scale sound cosmology (1990) , “Traffic Mantra”
transformed the harmonics of public space in the archeological center
of Rome at Trajan’s Forum(1991) “StadTraum” created a sonic hologram
as a citywide spectacle in Salzburg(1992), “Cloud Chamber” used the
city of New York as an oscillating audio and video input for live
performance at the Kitchen (1997), “Harmonic Bridge” created a
resonating gateway to the new museum, MASS MoCA, (1998-present), “Box
30/70” toured an audio camera obscura through 9 European Cities
(2001-2). Their ongoing work is the development of a “Hearing
Perspective” , a philosophy rooted in sonic observation of culture.
They have collected an archive of archetypal sound images
representing this philosophy which they call “Alphabet of Sounds.
They have thus far released 4 CD’s : “Garden of Time-Dreaming”,
“Resonance”, “Vault Grooves”, and “Box 30/70”.
In 1997 Auinger received a DAAD scholarship for composition along
with fellow Austrian, Rupert Huber. That year they founded the media
band “Berliner Theorie” which became famous for its live house music
concerts on the internet.
In 1999 he started “tamtam” with the extraordinairy bass player and
composer Hannes Strobl. Their latest work, a video about L.A.
transportation patterns with the architect Dietmar Offenhuber called
“besenbahn2” was nominated for the German Media Award 2003/ZKM
Over the years Sam Auinger has received numerous prizes and awards
for his work. Most recently he became the youngest artist to receive
the Kultur Preis der Stadt Linz (2002) to honor his body of work. He
was a jury member for the Prix Ars Electronic, and lectures at
festivals, universities and symposiums. Since 1997 He has made
Berlin the center of his activities.
Dietmar Offenhuber was in born 1973, graduated with a degree in
Architecture and has been working since 1994 in animation,
interactive environments and digital architecture. Between 2002 and
2004 Dietmar worked as key researcher of the Interactive Space
department at the Ars Electronica Futurelab. Since fall 2004 he is
professor for animation and interactive media at the University of
Applied Sciences in Hagenberg/ Austria. Dietmar collaborates with Sam
Auinger and Hannes Strobl under the name “stadtmusik” on various
projects dealing with architectural and sonic spaces.
SYZYGY – William “Pete” Moss became interested in music in high
school, when it became obvious that he would never become an
astronaut. For several years, he worked on computers and composed
music at different times, until that fateful day when he realized
that computers could be used for music. Since then, he hasn't looked
back. Pete has won a few awards for his music, and has had it played
in several parts of the world, including the USA. He received a BM
from Texas Christian University where he studied with Blaise
Ferrandino and Gerry Gabel. He then went to the University of Texas
at Austin, where he studied with Russell Pinkston and earned his MM.
Now he is working towards his DMA at the University of Washington
with Richard Karpen and Juan Pampin. Pete's hobbies include
motorcycling and video games, but not video games about motorcycling.
Noel Paul (b. 1978) is a graduate student and teaching assistant in
DXARTS. He studied computer music with Richard Karpen and Juan Pampin
as an undergraduate at the University of Washington. His works have
been played nationally and internationally, and he has been awarded
prizes by the Luigi Russolo Foundation and ASCAP/SEAMUS. He is
currently studying Czech with Jaroslava Soldanova, and experimental
cinema with Shawn Brixey, with research focused on developing novel
digital image-gathering technology.
Joshua Parmenter
joshp at u.washington.edu
Post-Doctoral Research Associate - Center for Digital Arts and
Experimental Media
Raitt Hall - University of Washington
Seattle, Washington 98195
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