[CM] CM.app/OSX (10.4.5): Beginner question

Rick Taube taube@uiuc.edu
Thu, 23 Mar 2006 21:14:03 -0600

yes, you need to use the cvs version of CM (2.7.0). actually i am in 
the process of releasing the cvs sources as stable (it will then be 
tagged as 2.8.0) and  there should be a new CM.app available from 
sourceforge in a few days. sorry for the troubles.

if you dont want to wait for the app, instruction for installing from 
cvs are here:

On Mar 23, 2006, at 8:57 PM, James Annett wrote:

> Hello,
> I've just recently downloaded this and am trying to get oriented to 
> it. I have some experience with Csound and SC but this is all pretty 
> new to me.
> I'm trying to follow this tutorials here: 
> http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/etc/tutorials/index.html
> I get errors when I try to evaluate almost every expression.
> I'm wondering if there's something wrong with my setup.
> Anyway help would be appreciated.
> Cheers,
> James
> (list-objects #&pulse :end 10)
> > Error in process listener(4): Undefined function LIST-OBJECTS called 
> with arguments (#<seq "pulse"> :END 10) .
> (list-objects #&pulse :start 10 :end 20 :step 2)
> Error in process listener(4): Undefined function LIST-OBJECTS called 
> with arguments (#<seq "pulse"> :START 10 :END 20 :STEP 2) .
> > While executing: "Unknown"
> (list-objects #&pulse :at '(0 45 70))
> Error in process listener(4): Undefined function LIST-OBJECTS called 
> with arguments (#<seq "pulse"> :AT (0 45 70)) .
> > While executing: "Unknown"
> (subobjects #&pulse :at '(0 45 70))
> Error in process listener(4): Too many arguments in function call: 3 
> provided, at most 1 accepted.
> > While executing: SUBOBJECTS
> (events (sinus 80 4 20 100 .1 .1 .6) "intro.mid" :versioning true)
> Error in process listener(4): Not initializations for 
> > While executing: #<STANDARD-METHOD INIT-IO (STRING)>
> *midi-player*
> Error in process listener(4): Unbound variable: *MIDI-PLAYER*
> > While executing: "Unknown"
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