[CM] cmn's iratify

andersvi at extern.uio.no andersvi at extern.uio.no
Wed Jan 18 04:14:56 PST 2006

cmns #'iratify is giving me some strange results here (first
thought it was some roundoff error, but it seems theres something
with the algorithm behind).  The behavior is consistent across

CMN> (iratify 0.125)
CMN> (iratify (* 8 0.125))
CMN> (iratify (* 9 0.125))

i would expect the last one to return 9/8.

Does anybody see whats wrong here?

heres the relevant section from cmn/cmn-utils.lisp

(defvar smallest-note .015625)		;256-th note (1/64)

(defun ratify-1 (ux)
  (if (zerop ux) (list 0 1)
    (let ((tt 1) 
	  (err smallest-note)
	  (a1 0) 
	  (b2 0) 
	  (a2 1) 
	  (b1 1) 
	  (a 0)  
	  (b 0)
	  (x (/ 1.0 ux)))
      (loop while t do
	(setf a (+ (* a1 tt) a2)) 
	(setf b (+ (* tt b1) b2))
	(if (and (/= b 0) (or (> b 100) (<= (abs (- ux (/ a b))) err)))
	    (return-from ratify-1 (list a b)))
	(if (< b -100) (return-from ratify-1 (list (- a) (- b))))
	(setf x (/ 1 (- x tt))) 
	(setf tt (floor x)) 
	(setf a2 a1) 
	(setf b2 b1) 
	(setf a1 a) 
	(setf b1 b)

(defun ratify (num)			;rational returns gigantic useless factors
  (if (floatp num)
      (if (<= num 16.0)
	  (ratify-1 num)
	(multiple-value-bind (int frac) (floor num)
	  (if (= frac 0.0)
	      (list int 1)
	    (let ((vals (ratify-1 frac)))
	      (list (+ (* int (second vals)) (first vals)) (second vals))))))
    (if (ratiop num)
	(list (numerator num) (denominator num))
      (list num 1))))

(defun fratify (num)
  (if (floatp num)
      (apply #'/ (ratify num))

(defun iratify (num) (coerce (apply #'/ (ratify num)) 'rational))

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