[CM] inf-snd.el
Michael Scholz
scholz-micha at gmx.de
Wed Feb 15 07:51:50 PST 2006
> I would like to be able to use snd as the default sound file editor
> within emacs, the way that I am able to use emacs-w3m as the default
> url browser with the inclusion of the following in my .emacs
> (setq browse-url-browser-function 'w3m-browse-url)
Hi, Jonathan! To use Snd as an Emacs sub job with inf-snd.el you can
set in your ~/.emacs.el file the variable:
(setq inf-snd-guile-program-name "/usr/bin/snd")
or even
(setq inf-snd-guile-program-name "snd -notebook")
or what else options you need. If this was not what you want, let me
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