[CM] CM + RTS + Gauche
Rick Taube
taube at uiuc.edu
Tue Apr 25 17:39:05 PDT 2006
Happy to say the new C real time scheduler seems to be working in
Gauche now too (Todd is working on receiving.). I dont know if I
mentioned this or not but Portmidi and Midishare ffis also run in
Gauche. So, bugs aside, the Gauche CM is now basically the same as
OpenMCL and SBCL!
you can try out the rts using the latest (060425) tarballs here
you need to install c-wrapper if you are using gauche.
I havent had time to make a use-system for scheme, here is how you load
rts and portmidi in Gauche:
$ cm -l gosh
(add-load-path "/Lisp/portmidi")
(use portmidi)
(add-load-path "/Lisp/rts")
(use rts)
(define mp (portmidi-open :latency 0 :output 5))
(rts mp)
(define (maj-arp n key vel)
(process repeat n for i from 0
output (new midi :keynum (+ key (* i 4)) :amplitude vel
:duration 1.0)
wait .1))
;; spout as you will
(sprout (maj-arp 12 (between 30 60) 70))
(sprout (maj-arp 12 (between 30 60) 70))
(sprout (maj-arp 12 (between 30 60) 70) :at (+ (now) 3))
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