[CM] libpg.dll

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sun Nov 27 12:14:38 PST 2005

> This application has failed to start because libpq.dll was not found.  
> Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

Hi I got this error as well and it has nothing to do with CM, you just  
need to use a differnt download from the clisp site. this one worked  
for me on xp:


I would be grateful if someone would test Midishare for me on Clisp/XP  
or Lispworks/XP.  I was able to do  (use-system :midishare) , open a  
midi connection using (midishare-open) , get the time using (ms:now)  
and even send events.  however, i couldnt actully hear any sound.
I dont know enough about windows and midishare on windows to know what  
to do to figure out what is losing. msControl32.exe does make sound for  

Do test midishare, install the latest CM from CVS and the follow the  
install direections here:

Also can anybody build me a functioning PORTMIDI.DLL so I can test out  
Portmidi on XP/CLISP ??
I dont have a c compiler or knowhow to do this. I do have a dll but i  
thing someting might be wrong with it.
A static PORTMIDI lib for windows might also work (dont know if cffi  
can handle this though)

On Nov 27, 2005, at 2:00 PM, Michael Gogins wrote:

> I reinstalled Common Music from CVS head and now get this Lisp error  
> message on Windows XP with CLisp 2.35 now:
> What is libpq.dll exactly?
> Is this a new dependency for Common Music, or some library you need to  
> remove from your link?
> Are there other new dependencies as well?
> Best regards,
> Mike Gogins
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