use-system (was [CM] CVS cmio error)

Rick Taube taube at
Sat Nov 26 07:51:26 PST 2005

> Well, you're right, the new system is pretty cool and very simple to 
> organize.

oh goodie. FYI i just tested  on clisp/windows and -- to my utter 
amazement -- it also works there, too. i am even able to (use-system 
:portmidi) on windows, but am having problems when i actually try to 
use the portmidi dll.

> I've unpacked the latest CLM, CMN, Fomus, Portmidi, MidiShare, and 
> CFFI packages into /home/dlphilp/cm-systems. I added the use-system 
> calls to ~/.cminit.lisp with the correct :directory paths and all 
> appears good to go.

if your cm dir is also inside cm-systems then you wont need to specifiy 

> I haven't tested any code yet, I'll try to get some tests done this 
> week.

thanks im sure there are issues lurking.

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