[CM] How to fix: Can't schedule events in non-real time while RTS is running.?

Emre Sevinc emres at bilgi.edu.tr
Thu Nov 10 02:15:47 PST 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Taube [mailto:taube at uiuc.edu]
Sent: Wed 11/9/2005 4:08 PM
To: Emre Sevinc
Cc: Common Music Mailing List
Subject: Re: [CM] How to fix: Can't schedule events in non-real time while RTS is running.?
>wierd. what is the value of *rts*

Now I think I'm able to reproduce the error. After I run
the piano phase code successfuly I try that:

CM> (events (new midi
              :time 1
              :keynum 60
              :duration 1
              :amplitude 0.5
              :channel 1))
Can't schedule events in non-real time while RTS is running.

Once I receive that error, nothing works then:

CM> (events (piano2 phasing-trope 1 1 .5 4) "reich.mid")
Can't schedule events in non-real time while RTS is running.

If I don't run that (events (new midi .... 
then no problem occurs but it creates that RTS error
which I can't get rid of.

I still don't have the idea why that happens and 
how to fix it...

Any tips, suggestions?

Happy musical hacking,
Emre Sevinc

>On Nov 9, 2005, at 3:58 AM, Emre Sevinc wrote:

> Hi all,
>  I keep on studying Notes from the Metalevel and I've just
>  finished the chapter about Steve Reich's piano phasing composition.
>  I was able to run the code successfuly, however after
>  I have listened to it I wanted to play a very simple note
>  and to my amazement I can't do it:
>  (define one (new midi
>                :time 0
>                :keynum 60
>                :duration 2))
>  (events one "myscore.mid")
>  It says: Can't schedule events in non-real time while RTS is running.
>  And then I tried the example that worked just a few sec. ago:
>  CM> (events (piano2 phasing-trope 1 1 .5 4) "reich.mid")
>  Can't schedule events in non-real time while RTS is running.
>  NIL
>  CM> (events (pphase phasing-trope 1 1 .5) "reich.mid")
>  Can't schedule events in non-real time while RTS is running.
>  NIL
>  I searched for RTS in the Common Music dictionary and I saw
>  that there's a function rts-stop however running that
>  function and trying to play something I received the very
>  same error. I also checked rts?
>  CM> (rts?)
>  NIL
>  How can I make Common Music start playing MIDI again?
>  Is there a way to do that without exiting Emacs and restarting
>  Common Music?
>  BTW, my system details:
>  $ uname -a
>  Linux debian 2.6.11-1-686 #1 Mon Jun 20 22:00:38 MDT 2005 i686 
> GNU/Linux
>  $ sbcl --version
>  SBCL 0.9.2
>  Happy hacking,
>  Emre S.

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