[CM] SC interface

todd ingalls testcase at asu.edu
Tue May 3 16:30:03 PDT 2005

i am going to have to commit a few changes in the next few hours. there 
is a major bug with how floats are written to the nrt osc score files. 
we also should soon have some examples which may be of interest.

testing is certainly more than welcome. =) i think you should wait 
though until the changes have migrated to anon cvs.


On May 3, 2005, at 2:23 PM, Joshua Parmenter wrote:

> Hi Rick (and everyone),
> I just did a CVS update to grab the SC stuff also.  Is there any 
> testing you need done?  I'd like to give it a try.
> Josh
> ******************************************
> Joshua D. Parmenter
> Graduate Student, Music Composition
> http://homepage.mac.com/joshpar/
> "...Some people think a composer's supposed to please them, but in a 
> way a composer is a chronicler... He's supposed to report on what he's 
> seen and lived."
>                                                         					-Charles 
> Mingus
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