[CM] Supercollider and CM

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Tue May 3 16:24:23 PDT 2005

its not quite ready --  todd ingalls will send a note around when its 
safe to be taken for a spin. it would be really helpful at that point 
if someone on linux would send in the diffs to get it working there 
too. (there should not be that much extra to do, probably just wiring 
different directories etc.)

Currently Todd's supercollider support writes OSC (Open Sound Control) 
binary files for SuperCollider, and it will also import  .osc files 
back into CM (!) Very cool.   Real time work with supercollider should 
also be forthcoming, but not for several weeks at least, and maybe only 
on OSX.
anyway Todd's made a huge contribution, i wasnt going to say anything 
until it was all there,but i guess 'cv update'  took care of that! i 
think the stuff will be ready to go in a day or two.

On May 3, 2005, at 4:23 PM, Joshua Parmenter wrote:

> Hi Rick (and everyone),
> I just did a CVS update to grab the SC stuff also.  Is there any 
> testing you need done?  I'd like to give it a try.
> Josh
> ******************************************
> Joshua D. Parmenter
> Graduate Student, Music Composition
> http://homepage.mac.com/joshpar/
> "...Some people think a composer's supposed to please them, but in a 
> way a composer is a chronicler... He's supposed to report on what he's 
> seen and lived."
>                                                         					-Charles 
> Mingus
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