[CM] cm cvs, cffi location

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Wed Dec 14 10:24:51 PST 2005

asdf does not have this built-in (it should...)

i added the bin-directory feature for CM by providing a method on 

(defmethod asdf:output-files ((operation asdf:compile-op) (f 
   ;; make compile pathnames include the bin directory
   (list (fasl-pathname (asdf:component-pathname f))))

I have a cm-soure-file subclass because CM also has to generate cltl 
files from scheme...
The (fasl-pathname ) function simply grafts *cm-bin-directory* into a 
pathname and is generic lisp code:

(defun fasl-pathname (file)
   (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory *cm-bin-directory*)
                  :type (pathname-type (compile-file-pathname file))
                  :defaults file))

itt would be easy for the asdf maintainers to add a :bin-directory slot 
to the asdf:system class and have binary directories be a general 
feature, but you would have to contact the asdf folks.

> Hi all... on to the next stage: cffi. Does anyone know how to store the
> compiled files somewhere else other than the cffi directory?, and then
> how to force cffi to load binaries from somewhere else as well? I guess
> I'll have the same question about portmidi when I get there :-)
> -- Fernando
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