[CM] Csound 5 CFFI for Common Music

Herb Martin HerbM at learnquick.com
Thu Dec 1 18:49:42 PST 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Gogins

> Todd Ingalls was kind enough to generate CFFI wrappers for 
> Csound 5 from our 
> header files.
> It's not working yet, but I'm working on it. As I said 
> before, I would like 
> to end up with a ".csd" output that automatically invokes 
> Csound 5 through CFFI.
> I must say, it was gratifying to update CM from CVS and it 
> just loads and 
> compiles without errors (CLisp 2.35/Windows XP Home Edition). It has 
> definitely gotten easier to get up and running.

Please excuse the (perhaps redundant) direct question but I
have been led to believe (here on this list) that there were
serious problems with CM and CLisp on Windows.

Are you saying that CM just works with CLisp 2.35 on Windows now?

Does this mean that those wrappers are needed as a separate
download, or that it works without Todd's stuff?

Herb Martin

> Regards,
> Mike 
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