[CM] cygwin+snd blues

Rodrigo Segnini rsegnini at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Oct 7 08:46:32 PDT 2004

Thanks Bill for your reply. 

Attached are snd's config.h and the output of snd --version in a text

I am interested in working with cm-cmn-clm under the same roof. I do so
in linux, but I will spread the gospel in places where currently mac-osx
and winxp are more popular among composers.

Cm supports clisp on the three platforms. Sometime ago clm did too (what
version was that?).
But I understand you have to make choices; I happily abide. I'm looking
for alternatives.

On windows it's either an unix emulator or a native app, thus Cygwin
(and whatever runs on it), or acl-lite/clisp.

Cmucl does not run (so far) in either. Acl-lite has memory limitations

Or maybe I'm looking in a wrong direction. I'm an old lisp'er. Recent
postings in cmdist give me the impression that at some point we would be
able to do all clm things on snd's listener. Am I right in this

That would be awesome! I could use some advice as to what's available
right now. In particular, whether grani and dlocsig can be used there.



-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Schottstaedt [mailto:bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU] 
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 4:21 AM
To: Rodrigo Segnini
Cc: cmdist at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Re: [CM] cygwin+snd blues
Importance: High

 > can't play : reason not known

Please send me the config.h or config.log files, or the print out
of snd --version.  I think the cygwin version is supposed to use
the Windows API.  I never implemented audio input in that version,
so the message:

 > no audio input devices available

is not surprising.

 > I can't do the same with clm because of the function compile-and-load
 > which is undefined in clisp--at least in mine.

Clisp is no longer supported.  I don't know what lisps are available
in cygwin.
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