[CM] Building snd from source
Meino Christian Cramer
Meino.Cramer at gmx.de
Fri May 21 03:51:23 PDT 2004
From: Frank Barknecht <fbar at footils.org>
Subject: Re: [CM] Building snd from source
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 07:09:25 +0200
Hello Frank ! Moin moin !
Thanks for your fast reply !
Could you please so kind to mail me your .snd and /etc/snd.conf.
Then I will try to use the gtk-gui and haveing two configurations
files, which I know to work, make my life much more easier ;)
I have to adopt the paths, though...but this should not be a problem.
It alsp would help me a lot, if you could send me the output of your
snd if starting it with
snd --help
Will using gtk limit the features of the so built snd binary or does
it "only" mean I have to use menus instead of buttoms?
I want the complete dinosaure ! The T.REX...you know ? :O)
Other questions:
Are there any plugins or such to create sounds out of the nothing or
do I have an "original" in any case?
When trying to load ogg'ed files, (I have inserted examp.scm...) they
will loaded, I see a converting process on the shell's output from
where I have started snd and then mpg123 will be called (which I do
not have...).
What's this? I thought the ogg'ed file will be converted to something
"native" (au, raw, wav or such), which snd directly supports.
And: After all, the "data" snd is trying to use then, are something
but definetly no sound.... ;)
(please also see below. Frank!)
> Hallo,
> Meino Christian Cramer hat gesagt: // Meino Christian Cramer wrote:
> > I tried to build snd from source, which I freshly downloaded.
> >
> > I entered different problems.
> >
> > My question is:
> > Is it recommended (for a building-snd-from-source-newbie) to build
> > it with the motif or the gtk interface? ;)
> > Do both interfaces provide the same functionality?
> I don't know, but if you build with Motif, you can run with those
> buttons, Dave Phillips made. They can be useful for a start and later.
> Personally I do prefer the Gtk version now and include Kjetil's
> snd_conffile.scm into ~/.snd instead, slightly adapted. With
> gtk-themes it just looks much better. Maybe it's possible to add a
> toolbar to the Gtk-version, as well. I'll need to explore that some
> time.
> > My resulting snd does soemtimes enter an endless loop when first
> > pressing "play in loop" and then "stop" -- I was bombed with "Too
> > many files open" messages and had to reboot, since the computer
> > was so busy in looping that it does not to respond to key input
> > anymore.
> This happend to me as well, but it has snothing to do with the
> toolkit. It happens, when you have a small selection active, that you
> might not be able to see. Looping this will make Snd act like an
> oscillator. Try "Ctl-g" several times in that case. I did unset
> looping in ~/.snd because of this:
> ;; Unset looping again here:
> (define islooping #f)
> > Another thing while playing in loop:
> > Sometimes the volume steadily increases with every loop until it was
> > totally distorted.
> ???
I mean sometimes a loop sounds it would like do as follows:
While (StopBottom not pressed)
Volume=(a value above 1.0) * Voulme;
This happens like the initial value of Volume is already > 1,
regardless of what the slider is set to.
Unitialized variables deep inside the core of snd ????????
Thank you very much for your help in advance, Frank!
Keep snd'ing! ;)
> Ciao
> --
> Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
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