[CM] FYI: Notes from the Metalevel available

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Thu May 20 11:48:57 PDT 2004

On May 20, 2004, at 12:14 PM, Bill Schottstaedt wrote:

> > Price Paperback EUR 39.00 / US$ 45.00
> It says $99.00 at Amazon.


Ill call up Taylor and Francis and try to find out whats going on.   
The PDF order form I sent out was the last official word I had from 
them at its $45.00 on that. Also the ordering form lists Taylor and 
Francis as the address to send the order to:

Taylor & Francis Customer Services
c/o Thomson Publishing Services
Cheriton House
North Way
ANDOVER - Hants SP10 5 BE

But its confusing now that Swetz Zeitlinger was purchased  by F.T., its 
hard to know who is in charge of what right now!  I know the paperback 
was supposed to be under US 50 -- that was the whole point, at least as 
it was explained to me.  But who knows with textbook pricing!

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