[CM] Re: circular-scanned.clm

Anders Vinjar andersvi at ulrik.uio.no
Fri May 21 02:12:21 PDT 2004

(I tried sending this some days ago, but havent seen it appear in
the list.  I'm not sure if it came through, so trying once more.


>>> " " == Anders Vinjar <anders.vinjar at notam.uio.no> writes:

     > Im starting to look a bit at scanned synthesis, and have
     > had a quick glance at the circular-scanned instrument in
     > the file circular-scanned.clm.

     > It seems to be missing a few bits to be working properly.
     > Ive done some attempts at some fixes to it, but there
     > seems to be work left.  Now i wonder whether anyone has a
     > working version of this or similar instruments lying
     > around anywhere before i start getting dirty in fields i
     > have very little understanding of myself.

     > Or maybe other versions of scanned synthesis instruments -
     > Paris Smaragdis Csound version - implemented in CLM.

     > -anders

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