[CM] [CLM] sndlib? installing difficulties /

Heinrich Gudenus heinrich.gudenus at fh-sbg.ac.at
Tue May 18 10:46:30 PDT 2004

hi, again 

(sorry for writing two times the same message (wrote the second one first, tought it didnt work)

I didnt install sndlib (because of not having any other idea, i thought this might be the reason for the non-existence
of the sound-maxamp function (?, maybe not, but still --> 
now i tried to install sndlib --> after ./configure, make produces an error (gcc: ... : -lm unknown : error 1)
maybe somebody knows what might be the problem here? and how it is possible to solve it. 

the second problem seemed to be "solved" (sound-duration problem)
.. cutting out a piece of the original file (by using a tmp file (copy of the original)) and then overwriting
the tmp-file again -> same procedure over and over again.. that worked. ::the problem is now, that the samples, 
which have been produced in this way, get noisier and noisier (after about 5 loops there is not much left of the original sound)  
(envelopes, etc. didnt make any difference .. (didnt scale the samples or anything, srate is the same, ... ))...

thx . 




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