[CM] midi-msgs

daniel mayer herbstmondwind at web.de
Mon Jan 26 12:54:03 PST 2004

Many Thanks to Rick Taube and Tobias Kunze,
with version 2.4.1 it is really much easier 
to install and launch openmcl/emacs/cm-2.4.1 !
Concerning midi-msgs (OS9/cm-2.4.1) in
writing a process with control-changes:


(defprocess dim-test-1 (chan dur amp-1 amp-2 steps)
  (process with amp-val 
           with step-time = (/ dur steps 1.0)
           for i to steps do
           (setf amp-val (round (interpl (now) (list 0 amp-1 dur amp-2))))
           (if (= i 0)
               (output (new midi 
                         time (now)
                         channel chan
                         duration dur
                         amplitude amp-1))
               (output (new midimsg  
                         msg (make-control-change chan 7 amp-val)
                         time (now))))
           (wait step-time)))

; This doesn't perform a diminuendo in 2.4.1 (it works in 2.3.4) :

(events (dim-test-1 0 2 90 0 20) "midi.port")

; With a non-diminishing sound on channel 0

 (make-program-change 0 73)
 (io  "midi.port") 
 0 nil)

(events (dim-test-1 0 2 90 0 20) "midi.port")

; Writing a midi-file and looking at it with

(events  (dim-test-1 0 2 90 0 20) "dim-test.midi")
(midi-file-print "dim-test.midi")

; gives (2.4.1)

Format: 0
Tracks: 1
Division: 480
Track 0, length 99
       0 #<Tempo Change 1000 ms>
       0 #<Note-On 0 60 90>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 86>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 81>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 76>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 72>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 68>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 63>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 58>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 54>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 50>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 45>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 41>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 36>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 32>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 27>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 22>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 18>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 13>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 9>
      48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 4>
      48 #<Note-Off 0 60 127>
       0 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel-Volume" 0>

; and (2.3.4) :

Format: 0
Tracks: 1
Division: 480

Track 0, length 92
         0 #<Note-On 0 60 90>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 86>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 81>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 76>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 72>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 68>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 63>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 58>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 54>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 50>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 45>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 41>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 36>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 32>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 27>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 22>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 18>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 13>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 9>
        48 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 4>
        48 #<Note-Off 0 60 127>
         0 #<Control-Change 0 "Channel Volume" 0>
         0 #<End of Track #(0)>

; ... but correct direct output 


; Using 'midi-write-message' directly I got this to run (2.4.1):

(defprocess dim-test-2 (chan dur amp-1 amp-2 steps)
  (process with amp-val 
           with step-time = (/ dur steps)
           for i to steps do
           (setf amp-val (round (interpl (now) (list 0 amp-1 dur amp-2))))
           (if (= i 0)
               (output (new midi 
                         time (now)
                         channel chan
                         duration dur
                         amplitude amp-1))
                  (make-control-change chan 7 amp-val)
           (wait step-time)))

(events  (dim-test-2 0 2 90 0 20) "midi.port")

But for writing it to a midi file the method 'midi-write-message' 
expects a different time format.
Besides I couldn't reimport stored midi-msgs with 'import-events' (2.3.4 and 2.4.1).
So how to handle these things?
Thanks for any hint!

Best Regards

Daniel Mayer

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