[CM] rhythm durations and rests

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Thu Feb 26 06:18:40 PST 2004

On Feb 26, 2004, at 3:45 AM, pete moss wrote:

> is there somewhere a list of the builtin rhythmic durations, such as q,
> e, h, w, etc?
> is there a way to specify rests other than just not playing a midi note
> at a given time?  i am working with rhythmic patterns and it would be
> nice to somehow embed rhythmic rests in the middle of sounded notes.

the symbol 'r denotes rests for frequency but there is nothing 
equivalent for rhythm, mainly because this "rest" could  be any metric 
value and i dont know of a nice solution for this.  As far as i can 
tell it would have to be something stupid like agreeing that all 
negative numbers are rests and then allow a "r" to get tacked on to any 
rhythm symbol: "rq" -> -1.0  rs -> -.25 and so on. but then of course 
code would have to always do (abs value) to make sure that time values. 
is this the sort of thing you are looking for?

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