[CM] rhythm durations and rests

Larry Troxler lt at westnet.com
Thu Feb 26 05:00:04 PST 2004

On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, pete moss wrote:

> is there somewhere a list of the builtin rhythmic durations, such as q,
> e, h, w, etc?
> is there a way to specify rests other than just not playing a midi note
> at a given time?  i am working with rhythmic patterns and it would be
> nice to somehow embed rhythmic rests in the middle of sounded notes.  i
> sorta have it working by incrementing a timer when i dont want a note
> played, but that is not very flexible, and wont let me have rests in the
> middle of a rhythmic phrase, just on one end or the other.

Previous versions of CM used a note value (not a ryhthm value) of "r" to
indicate a rest. I still do this, and in my process code I test the
current note against "r" to determine whether or not to output an event.

Larry Troxler

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