[CM] rhythm durations and rests
Rick Taube
Thu, 26 Feb 2004 08:03:27 -0600
On Feb 26, 2004, at 3:45 AM, pete moss wrote:
> is there somewhere a list of the builtin rhythmic durations, such as q,
> e, h, w, etc?
well that certainly shuld be documented! and it is in the book, but im
not sure its worth buying just for that table. so here it is -- use
fixed width font to display or the tables wont make any sense.
this doc addtion will be in CVS in an hour or so:
A rhythmic symbol consists of a metric letter (Table 1) that may be
optionally preceded by a division letter: t for triplet or q for
quintuplet, and optionally followed by any number of dots. Rhythmic
symbols also support addition, subtraction and multiplication.
Table 1. Metric Letters.
letter value letter value
m maxima q quarter
l longa e eighth
b brevis s sixteenth
w whole t thirty-second
h half x sixty-fourth
The following table shows some representative rhythmic symbols.
Table 2. Examples of rhythmic symbols.
type symbol
quarter q
triplet quarter tq
dotted-eight e.
triplet dotted sixteenth ts.
triple dotted half h...
quintuplet whole qw
sixteenth plus triplet quarter s+tq
whole minus triplet sixteenth w-ts
whole times 4 w*4