[CM] seeking CM documentation

Patrick Pagano bigswift at ufl.edu
Sat Feb 14 18:52:15 PST 2004

apparently there is a very cool book on the way to do just that.

On Saturday, February 14, 2004, at 09:13  PM, Larry Troxler wrote:

> For the current release of CM, it seems that all I can find that is 
> published
> by CCRMA, is the CM dictionary. While this is very usefull, it doesn't
> explain a lot of things, and I miss the general background 
> documentation that
> used to be published with previous versions of CM.
> So: is there a kind soul somewhere who has made a sort of manual or 
> tutorial
> for the current  Common Music?
> A google search turns up nothing for me (other than the tutorial for 
> the old
> Stella version), so it seems that for the time being I'm stuck with 
> detective
> work, between looking at the source code and the Common Music 
> dictionary.
> Larry Troxler
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Patrick Pagano,B.S. M.F.A candidate

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