[CM] sndlib compilation problem

alin weiller alinweiller at caramail.com
Sun Apr 25 18:06:13 PDT 2004

Hi, I'm trying to compile sndlib but I got the error message :

gcc  headers.o audio.o io.o sound.o xen.o vct.o clm.o sndlib2xen.o clm2xen.o midi.o -o sndlib.so -shared   -lguile
-lguile-ltdl -lqthreads -lpthread -lcrypt -lm -L/usr/lib -lm
ld -r  headers.o audio.o io.o sound.o xen.o vct.o clm.o sndlib2xen.o clm2xen.o midi.o -o sndlib.a    -lguile
-lguile-ltdl -lqthreads -lpthread -lcrypt -lm -L/usr/lib -lm
ld: cannot find -lpthread
make: *** [sndlib] Erreur 1

My distrib is Mandrake 10

Thank you


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