[CM] looking for documentation for beginner

Gregory D. Weber gdweber at indiana.edu
Sat Apr 10 16:58:32 PDT 2004


Besides the "Dictionary" there is also an examples directory
containing a sort of tutorial, in the form of a commented example
file, "intro.cm".  On my Red Hat 8 installation, it's in
/usr/share/common-lisp/source/cm/etc/examples.  As a tutorial, it's
fairly terse and sometimes cryptic, but does cover much of the
essential ground.

The "Dictionary" is handy to refer to, but -- well, scattered.
There used to be a more organized "Common Music Reference Manual"
with the following chapters or sections:

I got it with an earlier version of CM (2.3.4, I think) and, although
some parts of it are obsolete, I still find it a useful reference.
It explains CM systematically rather than a word at a time.
It seems to be no longer available on the CM web site.  If you like,
I'll send you a copy.

Michael Mossey writes:
 > Hi, I'm new to CM.  For documentation, I've found the Common Music
 > Dictionary, and a couple online references to Common Lisp.  I'm still
 > confused on a lot of points.  The example CM code uses "define", "new", and
 > passes a lot of arguments via :of.  None of these are explained in either
 > the Common Music Dictionary or the Common Lisp sources. They seem to be
 > idioms specific to CM, but where are they documented?
 > Second question: does CLM work under the combination CLISP/Win XP?
 > Regards,
 > Mike
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Gregory D. Weber

Associate Professor of Computer Science, Indiana University East
2325 Chester Boulevard, Richmond, Indiana 47374-1289, U.S.A.
Telephone: (765) 973-8420         World-Wide Web http://mypage.iu.edu/~gdweber/

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