[CM] buffersize in snd/cursor in playback
Ludger Bruemmer
Tue, 30 Sep 2003 12:12:59 +0200
Hi Orm,
at least for question 2 I have an answer:
Just press Control while clicking the play button. This puts a cursor
on the playing sound position.
Am Montag, 29.09.03 um 09:05 Uhr schrieb Orm Finnendahl:
> Hi,
> 2 Questions:
> 1. Is there a way to increase the alsa buffer size when using snd? I'm
> trying to play a 5-channel file from disk but get lots of underruns.
> 2. Is it possible to have a visible moving cursor showing the current
> playback position in the soundfile?
> I'm using snd 6.2. Do I have to upgrade to get any of those features?
> Thanks,
> Orm
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Ludger Brümmer
Leitung Institut für Musik und Akustik
Director of Institute for Music and Acoustics
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