[CM] MCL 5 with CLM / openmcl plotters?
Bret Battey
bbattey at u.washington.edu
Mon Oct 13 11:39:39 PDT 2003
> I may take this a the queue [sic] to try to get MCL 5 OSX CLM running.
Oops, I see that was an optimistic slip, since MCL 5 hasn't been
integrated with CLM.
Given the price of MCL 5 and the availability of openmcl, I can readily
imagine that not many others are pursuing this. The only reason I would
wish to pursue it is that my last two-years' development work is
heavily invested in using CLM connected to Rick Taube's "plotter"
routines, which require Mac/MCL.
Of course, another option would be to find a general purpose plotter
routine (allowing layering of plots and naming of points) that I could
launch from openmcl on Mac OSX. **Any suggestions?** I don't need to
be able to edit data as Rick's plotter supports -- I just need to be
able to display it.
Strangely, it appears that MCL 5 doesn't have a "run-program" command
to run shell commands -- so one has to be imported to even begin
tackling the CLM problem. Fortunately I did find such a routine.
When running MCL 5, the feature-set still includes an "MCL" feature,
which is the feature CLM uses to trigger most OS9 mania for shared
libraries, MPW, etc., so unfortunately one would have to track down all
of the stuff coded for Mac OS 9 MCL based on the "MCL" feature and trap
and redirect. =P
I started, but haven't got it to work yet. **Has anyone else already
done some serious work on this?** (I naively was hoping to set aside
the technical battle for a while and start reaping some composerly
fruit from my last two-years' efforts ;-)
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