[CM] quotes in score output

Adam Chennells ahc at bigpond.com
Sun Mar 9 04:18:05 PST 2003

Is it possible to include quotes around one only of the pfields in a csound
score ?
It seems they are stripped off quite easily.

Would this be done with a formatting option in the instrument defobject ?

(defobject instr16  (i) ( (ins :initform 16)
        (duration :initform 0.1)
        (p4  :initform 0)
        (p5  :initform "t01.wav")   ;;   :type ??  :format ??
        (p6 : initform 1000)
        (p7  :initform .05)
        (p8  :initform (between 0.1 0.9))  )

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