[CM] CM & CLM combo -> instr's not recognized

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Tue Jun 17 12:51:40 PDT 2003

> So if one wants to load using CLM only, one must compile with CLM 
> only. If
> one wants to load using CM/CLM, one must compile using CM/CLM. (Or I 
> presume
> one could force instrument compiles to occur w/the CLM package active 
> and
> from CM run instruments by designating the CLM:: package.)

no, you should still be able to compile from with the clm pacage and 
then load that file into an image with cm built in and the cm package 
current. but then you will have to explicity import the instrumnst 
symbols you compiled in the clm pacakage (or whereever) into the cm 
package. its really a general package issue, not a cm issue.
however, there is one issue you should be aware of. you only get CLOS 
objects for clm instruments if you compile the instrument from within 
the CM package (or use the cm::definstrument macro). this is relevant 
if you want to generate clm instrument events from an algorithmic 
process defintion, ie something like:

(define (scentroids ...)
    (process repeat 500
             for f = (random 200)
             output (new scentroid time (now) ...)

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