[CM] score file empty

Orm Finnendahl finnendahl at folkwang-hochschule.de
Tue Jul 1 06:24:38 PDT 2003

Hi Rick,

thanks for the hint with dopairs.

The examples of the chapter "Beyond MIDI" don't work on my
machine. Evaluating the blur example results in a score file which
contains the function table definition but no note events at all.

Here's the input to guile:

  (set-sco-output-hook! #'play-sco-file)
  (defobject i1 (i)
     (attack :initform .05)
     (release :initform .25))
    (:parameters time dur amp freq attack release))

  (define sco-header  ; define a score file header string
    "f1 0 8192 10 0.0  0.41 0.06 0.04 0.00 0.11 0.02 0.00 0.00")
  (define (blur )
    (process repeat 100
             output (new i1 :time (now) 
                         :freq (between 20 2000) ; Hertz
                         :dur .4 :amp .1)
             wait .015))

  (events (blur) "blur.sco" 0
          :header sco-header
          :options "-d -m0 -A"
          :orchestra "blur.orc" 
          :output "blur.aiff")

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