[CM] Example of using CM with Csound
Larry Troxler
lt at westnet.com
Fri Jan 24 15:39:52 PST 2003
Here is a Csound orchestra and a lisp file that I hope can serve as an
example of using csound with Common Music. Please let me know if there
are any questions or comments about it.
Larry Troxler
-------------- next part --------------
(in-package :cm)
;; Set hook to run csound and generate a wav file
#'(lambda (fil)
(shell "csound -W -d -m0 -o csound.wav fm.orc ~a" fil)))
;; fm instrument class
(defobject fm (i)
(frequency amplitude amplitude-env
(mratio :initform 1) (index :initform 1) index-env sinetable)
(:parameters time dur frequency amplitude amplitude-env
mratio index index-env sinetable))
;; Linear envelope function table generator class
(defobject gen27 (f)
((num :accessor f-num) (size :initform 1025) (gen :initform 27) env)
(:parameters time size gen &rest env))
;; Harmonic sinusoids function table generator class
(defobject gen10 (f)
((num :accessor f-num) (size :initform 8192) (gen :initform 10) strengths)
(:parameters time size gen &rest strengths))
;; Define a sine wave table and envelope tables
(setf sine (new gen10 time 0 num 1 strengths '(1)))
(setf ampenv (new gen27 time 0 num 2 env '(0 0 250 1 750 1 1024 0)))
(setf idxenv (new gen27 time 0 num 3 env '(0 1 1024 0)))
;; output 20 random Fm notes.
(defun random-fm (n)
(process repeat n
(new fm :ins 1 :time (now) :amplitude .15
:amplitude-env (f-num ampenv)
:dur .1
:frequency (between 220 880)
:index (interp (now) 0 0 10 10)
:index-env (f-num idxenv)
:sinetable (f-num sine))
wait .25))
;; Write function table generators and our random notes to a csound score file
(events (list sine ampenv idxenv (random-fm 20)) "test.sco")
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sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2
; FM instrument
instr 1
idur = p3
ifreq = p4
iamp = p5 * 32767
iampenv = p6
imratio = p7
iidx = p8
iidxenv = p9
isin = p10
kamp oscil1 0, iamp, idur, iampenv
kidx oscil1 0, iidx, idur, iidxenv
a1 foscili kamp, ifreq, 1, imratio, kidx, isin
outs a1, a1
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