[CM] Why are containers named?

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sat Jan 18 07:34:33 PST 2003

Your message seems to imply that you are forced to use names but actually
you are not. so if you dont like them dont use them.  orighinally name were
added so you could use #!foo inside quoted lists of data (item steams.) .
but as you say saving a container can be a problem without a name since load
does not return a value. im not sure what to do in this case.

> What leads me to ask this question, is simply that it is very awkward
> when interfacing to CM interactively, to type "#!" when I want to
> reference a container - it is really a reach for the fingers and
> destroys the momentum of the session. I have made a macro that creates a


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