[CM] Sound Let question

Anders Vinjar anders.vinjar at notam02.no
Fri Jan 17 00:07:42 PST 2003

>>> "cpe" == cristopher pierson ewing <cewing at u.washington.edu> writes:

    cpe> I see that sound let allows you to set with-sound
    cpe> related parameters that are specific to the temporary
    cpe> file created by each element of the sound-let form.
    cpe> Does this apply even to channel count?  I mean to say,
    cpe> is it possible to write a series of one-channel
    cpe> temporary files inside a sound let from within a
    cpe> with-sound that will finally return a stereo (or more)
    cpe> file?

Yes.  Try something along the lines of this here:

(with-sound (:channels 2)

  ;; create temporary-file to work with later in note-list
  (sound-let ((tmp-file (:channels 1) (stretch-ins "somefile" 0.7)))

    ;; some instrument-call:
    (myins 0 4 440.0 0.1)

    ;; print info of tmp-file:
    (clm-print "~%tmp-chans: ~A" (sound-chans tmp-file))

    ;; put tmp-file to use in your main sound-file:
    (scramble-file tmp-file :scramble .5 :pan '((.8 .6)))))

sound-let deletes all files it creates before it exits, so youll
have to ask for information somewhere inside the body of
sound-let.  If you need to keep the 'temporary files after youre
finished, use a normal nested with-sound call instead.


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