[CM] Sound Let question

cristopher pierson ewing cewing at u.washington.edu
Thu Jan 16 15:07:29 PST 2003

I see that sound let allows you to set with-sound related parameters that
are specific to the temporary file created by each element of the
sound-let form.  Does this apply even to channel count?  I mean to say, is
it possible to write a series of one-channel temporary files inside a
sound let from within a with-sound that will finally return a stereo (or
more) file?

I would try to test this, but I can't figure out how to inspect the files
created temporarily, so as to verify that they are in fact only



Cris Ewing
CARTAH Assistant
University of Washington
Home Phone: (206) 365-3413
E-mail: cewing at u.washington.edu

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