[CM] OSX - OpenMCL .14, build from CVS w/ CLM

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Mon Dec 1 04:05:59 PST 2003

thank you so much! im finalizing the sotware for the cd release this 
week and ill try to include this as well.

On Saturday, Nov 29, 2003, at 23:58 America/Chicago, Robert Sayre wrote:

> I've gotten CM to build (and work!) on OpenMCL .14... but I did it
> incorrectly. Below, there is a response to my questions about 
> OpenMCL's MOP
> from Gary Byers. I made a similar mistake (which Byers corrects) in
> FINALIZE-CLASS when I built CM.
>> From the last email I sent about this issue:
> ? (load "/Users/myuser/music/cm/src/cm.lisp")
> ; Loading "/Users/myuser/music/cm/bin/pkg.dfsl".
> ; Loading "/Users/myuser/music/cm/bin/openmcl.dfsl".
> ...
> ; Compiling "/Users/myuser/music/cm/src/sco.lisp".
> ; Loading "/Users/myuser/music/cm/bin/sco.dfsl".
>> Error in process listener(1):
>>   The class #<STANDARD-CLASS EVENT-STREAM> was specified as: a
>>   super-class of the class #<IO-CLASS SCO-STREAM>;
>>   but the meta-classes #<STANDARD-CLASS STANDARD-CLASS> and
>>   #<STANDARD-CLASS IO-CLASS> are incompatible.
> The reply I got from GB indicates that it will be difficult to take 
> care of
> the problem by specializing the FINALIZE-CLASS function for OpenMCL. 
> Would
> it be possible to declare VALIDATE-SUPERCLASSES methods inline, or 
> would
> that break other implementations?
> Robert Sayre
> ------ Forwarded Message
> From: Gary Byers <gb at clozure.com>
> Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 21:57:13 -0700 (MST)
> To: Robert Sayre <mint at franklinmint.fm>
> Cc: openmcl-devel at clozure.com
> Subject: Re: [Openmcl-devel] MOP question
> On Sat, 29 Nov 2003, Robert Sayre wrote:
>> I have some questions about the MOP in OpenMCL .14 and also about a 
>> compiler
>> warning. The following example is taken from an old comp.lang.lisp 
>> thread
>> titled "MOP/pcl anomaly in CMUCL?"*
>> Welcome to OpenMCL Version (Alpha: Darwin) 0.14-031108!
>> ? (defclass dynamic-slots-class (standard-class) ())
>> ?  (defclass test () ((a1)) (:metaclass dynamic-slots-class))
>>> Error in process listener(1): The class #<STANDARD-CLASS 
> was
>>> specified as a
>>> super-class of the class #<DYNAMIC-SLOTS-CLASS TEST>;
>>> but the meta-classes #<STANDARD-CLASS STANDARD-CLASS> and
>>> :AFTER
>>> Type :POP to abort.
>> From the usenet thread, I learned that
>> "It's neccessary to define methods on pcl:validate-superclass more 
>> often
>> than is mentioned in AMOP.
>> [This] issue will probably lie at the heart of your problem:  Since
>> test (whose metaclass is dynamic-slots-class) inherits from t (whose
>> metaclass is standard-class), you have to define this combination
>> valid"
> I guess that I could agree that since (a) the default method for
> VALIDATE-SUPERCLASS only returns T for a few classes that it knows
> about and conservatively returns NIL for those clasees that it doesn't
> know about and (b) it's often then case that certain subclass
> relationships could exist between a user-defined metaclass and some
> other class, it's often necessary to explicitly define specialized
>> So, I followed this advice and it worked:
>> ? (defmethod openmcl-mop:validate-superclass
>>     ((class dynamic-slots-class) (super ccl::standard-class))
>>   t)
>> ? (defclass test () ((a1)) (:metaclass dynamic-slots-class))
>> This problem arose while trying to build Common Music for OpenMCL .14.
>> Common Music runs on a number of implementations, including OpenMCL 
>> .13.7
>> and MCL. It appears that neither of them require the combination to be
>> declared valid. Is this divergence intentional?
> The MOP spec is online at <http://www.lisp.org/mop/index.html>.  I
> think that the rationale for requiring that VALIDATE-SUPERCLASS be
> called when it is that the question of whether a superclass
> relationship can meaningfully exist between two class objects is best
> determined by the implementor of those classes, and the implementor
> is therefore requuired to define VALIDATE-SUPERCLASS methods to decide
> that question.
> Neither MCL nor OpenMCL 0.13 make much of an attempt to adhere to the
> MOP and OpenMCL 0.14 does, so in that sense the divergence is
> intentional.
>> Also, CM uses a function called "finalize-class" that varies based on
>> implementation. I assume it's there for just this sort of situation. 
>> When I
>> define it the following way, I get a compiler warning, but it seems 
>> to work.
>> If I uncomment the print statement, there is no warning. In the 
>> following
>> example, why doesn't the use of "the-class" in defmethod count as a 
>> use of
>> the variable?
>> ? (defun finalize-class (the-class)
>>   (progn
>>     ;(print the-class)
>>     (defmethod openmcl-mop:validate-superclass
>>         ((the-class class) (super ccl::standard-class))
>>             t)))
>> ;Compiler warnings :
>> ;   Unused lexical variable THE-CLASS, in FINALIZE-CLASS.
>> ? (defclass dynamic-slots-class (standard-class) ())
>> ? (finalize-class 'dynamic-slots-class)
>> ? (defclass test () ((a1)) (:metaclass dynamic-slots-class))
> You've (incidentally) defined a method that says that all objects of
> class CLASS can have an object of class STANDARD-CLASS as a
> superclass; after defining that method, your test case should work,
> but probably not for the reason you'd intended (the first specializer
> form in your DEFMETHOD seems to have its subforms backwards.)
> If you flipped them around, you'd probably get a complaint that
> there's no class named THE-CLASS: DEFMETHOD's a macro and it doesn't
> evaluate class names used in its argument subforms.  (The fact that
> one of those unevaluated class names happens to match an otherwise
> unused variable name in the surrounding function's just a
> coincidence.)
> It's not clear to me that you really want or need to define
> a VALIDATE-SUPERCLASSES method procedurally.  (It's also clear that
> it's awkward and complicated to do so: macroexpand a DEFMETHOD form,
> and ask yourself how often you really want or need to do this ...)
> Admittedly, there may be cases where it's necessary to define methods
> procedurally and it should be at leest a little esaier than it is to
> do so.
> In this case, it seems a lot easier to just define the method(s)
> "declaratively":
> (defclass dynamic-slots-class () ...)
> (defmethod openmcl-mop:validate-superclass ((class dynamic-slots-class)
>                                             (super standard-class))
>   t)
> ------ End of Forwarded Message
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