[CM] recent spam to cmdist

cristopher pierson ewing cewing at u.washington.edu
Sun Aug 24 08:36:32 PDT 2003

The "Thank You", "Details", and "Wicked Screensaver" viruses all are
versions of Sobig.  At least that's what I understand from what I've been
reading.  It's a recent one, and widely admired for its effectiveness
(finally a windows program that does exactly what its supposed to do!)


Cris Ewing
University of Washington
Home Phone: (206) 365-3413
E-mail: cewing at u.washington.edu

On Thu, 21 Aug 2003, Dave Phillips wrote:

> Rick Taube wrote:
> > Which virus it is that produces the glut of messages, is it possible to tell?
> I think this one is quite recent. Slashdot is the place to check,
> they've run some stories about the latest worms that have apparently
> wreaked havoc over the past week or so.
> Best regards,
> == dp
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