[CM] New ladspa script

Kjetil S. Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Fri Aug 8 02:14:54 PDT 2003

On Thu, 7 Aug 2003, Dave Phillips wrote:

> "Kjetil S. Matheussen" wrote:
> > First thing to try is to delete all your files in .vstserver/cache/
> > If that didn't help, my guess is that you have a vst plugin that
> > makes something crash very heavely (which is not supposed to happen
> > actually). Try to see the stdout/stderr of vstserver and see if you can
> > find what plugin that might be, and move it somewhere else. However, I
> > guess and hope deleting the cache files fix the problem.
> Okay, I cleared ~/.vstserver/cache and am now able to start Snd with the
> vstserver already running. However, I had to remove some DLLs after
> receiving this kind of error:
> 	VSTSERVER_clientthread: dfx_RezSynth_stereo.dll started.
> 	VSTSERVER_clientthread: dfx_RezSynth_stereo.dll stopped.
> 	wine client error:0: sendmsg: Bad file descriptor
> Here's a list of DLLs I removed:
>   Machine2.dll
>   Trashcoder.dll
>   VReOrder.dll
>   dfx_RezSynth_mono.dll
>   dfx_RezSynth_stereo.dll
>   dfx_Scrubby.dll
>   dominion.dll
>   specMonkeyage.dll
>   specMonkyageSt.dll

Wich version of wine are you using? I'm using a version which is only a
few weeks old, and it seems to be very good. The latest versions of
wine still compiles with the 0.2.6 version of vstserver, as far as I know.

> > Thats definitely not the correct behaviour. Is there no sound when
> > previewing either? And what about normal ladspa plugins?
> Normal LADSPA plugins seem to work okay, I haven't found a bad one but I
> haven't gone through them all yet. ;)

Okey, I must admit that I havent actually tried to apply a vst plugin yet.
Will do.

I have also updated the ladspa.scm script to use the help-texts from
your new-plugins.scm script.

And I have put my snd config file in that directory. It contains lots
of things I think is very nice.


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