[CM] CMN in CM 2.3.4?

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Fri Nov 15 04:41:28 PST 2002

>   Can't determine container for #e(22-ins :pan 0.8 :fn 76 :hz 68.29566
>:amp 7000 :dur 0.4 :time 0.016110051 :ins 22).

You have to set up some mechanism for determninig which staff a note belongs to. looking at your data it seems as if your ins slot would do the trick.
look for a function called channel-staffer (i think) in cmn.lisp.
this function does this for midi notes using the "channel" data. 
THe simplist thing would be to define a function, say ins-staffer
that does the exact same thing as channel-staffer but using your ins slot.
then specify this as the :staffer value to the cmn file

(io "foo.cmn" :staffer #'ins-staffer)

you may have to do something about your Hz data too, i cant rememebr.

>Is there some example code available?

of course not!

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